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[[Image:Fantasque.jpg|thumb|''Le Fantasque'', first issue, August 1837]]<font color="blue">''Mr. Papineau''</font>: You are right, my friends, to want to organize a meeting similar to that of Quebec City. To this end, my voice and my heart are all yours. But you are not right to want me to chair it. There are life and honour in Quebec City. There was some when, under the reign of terror and under the inspiration of freedom, in the presence of Lord [[Wikipedia:John Lambton, 1st Earl of Durham|Durham]], people faded the tyranny he exerted against the [[exiled of the Bermudas]]; withered the exuberance of his insanity when he published that by returning to the country the absent defendants would commit high treason, for which they would suffer death, without any lawsuit; when ''[ Le Fantasque]'' edified its readers, on the daily follies of the dictatorship's actions of the time (the current one could very well resuscitate it in all its liveliness); when people protested and petitioned against the act of Union; when last summer they organized themselves in a committee of reform and progress; when finally, in a recent meeting, some gathered for the exaltation of French heroism, the execration of English despotism, the commiseration for the groans of agonizing Ireland. Yes, in Quebec City there is life and honour. In Montreal, that is another story. We have the seat of the [[Wikipedia:Responsible government|responsible government]] there. We have statesmen, politicians as deep as the abyss and men as mute as grave stones, who choke all measures which were born in Quebec City. Why do they do it? They did not tell me their secrets. I do not have enough perspicacity to guess them. It is necessary that you know if they like it that you have the public meeting you are planning.
[[Image:Fantasque.jpg|thumb|''Le Fantasque'', first issue, August 1837]]<font color="blue">''Mr. Papineau''</font>: You are right, my friends, to want to organize a meeting similar to that of Quebec City. To this end, my voice and my heart are all yours. But you are not right to want me to chair it. There are life and honour in Quebec City. There was some when, under the reign of terror and under the inspiration of freedom, in the presence of Lord [[Wikipedia:John Lambton, 1st Earl of Durham|Durham]], people faded the tyranny he exerted against the [[exiled of the Bermudas]]; withered the exuberance of his insanity when he published that by returning to the country the absent defendants would commit high treason, for which they would suffer death, without any lawsuit; when ''[ Le Fantasque]'' edified its readers, on the daily follies of the dictatorship's actions of the time (the current one could very well resuscitate it in all its liveliness); when people protested and petitioned against the Act of Union; when last summer they organized themselves in a committee of reform and progress; when finally, in a recent meeting, some gathered for the exaltation of French heroism, the execration of English despotism, the commiseration for the groans of agonizing Ireland. Yes, in Quebec City there is life and honour. In Montreal, that is another story. We have the seat of the [[Wikipedia:Responsible government|responsible government]] there. We have statesmen, politicians as deep as the abyss and men as mute as grave stones, who choke all measures which were born in Quebec City. Why do they do it? They did not tell me their secrets. I do not have enough perspicacity to guess them. It is necessary that you know if they like it that you have the public meeting you are planning.

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Tyranny has been so exorbitant against your deplorable fatherland, made as joyful and beautiful by the good doings of the Providence as it has been obscured by the misdeeds of your governors, that it generally developed among you natives virtues, and defects which the foreign dominator gave birth to. You have been living in a more frequent state of conspiracy than any other people, against iniquities more atrocious than any other nation had to suffered. From there your more enthusiastic love for the cult of the fatherland; for your cherished dignity, [[Wikipedia:Erin|Erin]] the beautiful, Erin  dispossessed by the despoiler insulting it. This love of the country, is the first of virtues for the English who give orders; it is in his eyes the most hateful of feelings that the people can nourish in his colonies of Ireland and Canada. It is the virtue which he most generally and most pitilessly punished. You give with a burst of generosity without limits your confidence to whoever is devoted to your cause. You know that I am one of these men; you want to testify your recognition to me in a manner which exceeds the limits of discretion, of national pride, of the feeling of esteem that you must nourish and display for yourselves, for your nationality and your nationals. The associations we create must tighten the bonds of confidence and mutual dependence between the associates. Do not do anything which can slacken the bonds of complete confidence between you all, in an Irish association, created for an Irish interest: the repeal of your harmful act of Union.</blockquote>
Tyranny has been so exorbitant against your deplorable fatherland, made as joyful and beautiful by the good doings of the Providence as it has been obscured by the misdeeds of your governors, that it generally developed among you natives virtues, and defects which the foreign dominator gave birth to. You have been living in a more frequent state of conspiracy than any other people, against iniquities more atrocious than any other nation had to suffered. From there your more enthusiastic love for the cult of the fatherland; for your cherished dignity, [[Wikipedia:Erin|Erin]] the beautiful, Erin  dispossessed by the despoiler insulting it. This love of the country, is the first of virtues for the English who give orders; it is in his eyes the most hateful of feelings that the people can nourish in his colonies of Ireland and Canada. It is the virtue which he most generally and most pitilessly punished. You give with a burst of generosity without limits your confidence to whoever is devoted to your cause. You know that I am one of these men; you want to testify your recognition to me in a manner which exceeds the limits of discretion, of national pride, of the feeling of esteem that you must nourish and display for yourselves, for your nationality and your nationals. The associations we create must tighten the bonds of confidence and mutual dependence between the associates. Do not do anything which can slacken the bonds of complete confidence between you all, in an Irish association, created for an Irish interest: the repeal of your harmful Act of Union.</blockquote>

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Souvent décimés en punition de votre fort amour du pays, vous vous êtes trop souvent formés en [[sociétés secrètes]], dans lesquelles l'or anglais, les espions anglais vous poussaient à la vengeance; et, à la veille de son explosion, vous trahissaient. Cela vous a rendus soupçonneux. C'est le vice que le dominateur étranger a fait naître dans des natures disposées par la Providence à être les plus confiantes qu'il y eût sur terre. L'Irlande a plus de chances de salut en ce moment que jamais, parce qu'elle n'a pas de société secrètes. Sa haine est aussi hautement avouée que justement formée.</blockquote>
Often decimated in punishment of your strong love for the country, you have too often organized in [[secret societies]], in which the English gold, the English spies pushed you to revenge; and, on the day before its explosion, betrayed you. This made you suspicious. It is the vice which to which the foreign dominator gave birth in natures which the Providence made to be the most trustful that there ever was on Earth. Ireland has currently more chances of salute than ever, because it does not have secret societies. Its hatred is as highly avowed as it is justly organized.

Ne sentez-vous pas que plus tard l'on ira murmurer aux oreilles des uns et des autres d'entre vous : « Eh quoi, vous êtes ici vingt mille Irlandais, et vous avez jugé que pas un d'entre vous ne méritait l'honneur de vous présider; vous avez jugé que c'était un étranger que vous deviez installer au-dessus de vous tous, quand il est question non pas d'un intérêt social également ''stringent'' pour toutes nos populations mélangées, mais d'un intérêt spécialement national pour vous. » Non. Vous en devez conserver la direction et la présidence. D'autres y ont de meilleurs titres que moi.</blockquote>
Don't you feel that eventually one will murmur in the ears of one another among you: "Eh what, you are twenty thousand Irish people here, and you considered that not one among you deserved the honour to chair your meeting; you have ruled that a foreigner should be installed above you all, when the question is not of a social interest as important for all our mixed populations, but of a special national interest for you." No. You must keep the direction and the presidency to yourselves. Others have a better right to it than me.

Vous avez sur d'autres hommes plus de contrôle, un meilleur droit à exiger qu'ils répondent à votre appel, que vous n'en avez sur moi. C'est la première fois, Messieurs, que nous nous rencontrons. N'y a-t-il pas quelques autres hommes publics avec qui vous avez eu des rapports plus fréquents qu'avec moi; qui vous ont recherché quand ils ont eu besoin de vous; à qui vous avez rendu les services qu'ils sollicitaient de votre part; à qui il a été agréable de recevoir vos suffrages et qui, en retour de vos votes dans leurs élections, vous ont promis de douces paroles, de la déférence et de la civilité; qui vous ont dit que vous aviez droit à leurs conseils, à leurs énergiques encouragements, et toute occasion où vous les demanderiez; droit à leur appui cordial partout où vous en auriez besoin? Le temps et l'occasion sont venus où vous devez apprécier à leur juste valeur la sincérité et l'importance de leurs promesses. Allez vers vos représentants, allez-y avec franchise et avec les mêmes déclarations que je vous ai conseillé de porter à M. Drummond. C'est votre droit de demander, c'est leur devoir de vous donner leur appui, si les objets que vous avez en vue sont, comme il me paraît à moi qu'ils le sont, utiles et honorables à votre patrie, à la mienne, à vous et à tous ceux qui vous seconderont. S'ils vous détrompent, nous leur en aurons obligation. Habiles opérateurs, ils auront donné la lumière à des malheureux qui tâtonnaient dans l'épaisses ténèbres. Ils peuvent nous désillusionner, nous pouvons leur révéler des vérités qu'ils ignorent. Ce n'est qu'en comparant nos doctrines que nous pouvons déterminer quelle est la juste et vraie ''[[doxie]]'', la nôtre ou la leur.</blockquote>
You have on other men more control and a better right to require than they answer your call, than you have on me. It is the first time, Messrs, that we meet. Are there not some other public men with whom you had a more frequent relationship than me; who sought you when they needed you; to whom you rendered services that they requested from you; with whom it was pleasant to receive your votes and who, in return of your votes in their election, promised soft words, respect and civility to you; who said to you that you had the right to their advice, their energetic encouragements, on any occasion you would ask them; the right to their cordial support everywhere you needed it? The time and the occasion have come when you should appreciate to their right value the sincerity and the importance of their promises. Go towards your representatives, go ahead with frankness and the same declarations that I advised you to bring to Mr. Drummond. It is your right to require, it is their duty to give you their support, if the objects which you seek are as to me they appears to be, useful and honourable to your fatherland, to mine, to you and all those who will second you. If they undeceive you, we will be obliged to them for it. Skilful operators, they will have given light to unhappy ones who groped in thick darkness. They can disillusion us, we can reveal truths to them which they are unaware of. It is only by comparing our doctrines that we can determine which one is the just and true ''[[doxy]]'', ours or theirs.</blockquote>

[[Image:Charles-metcalfe.jpg|thumb|Charles T. Metcalfe, baron Metcalfe, gouverneur général du Canada-Uni de 1843 à 1845]]Je suis jeté dans la vie politique contre mon inclination. Après que j'eus franchement expliqué mon mécontentement et mon dédain pour l'ordre politique forcément imposé à mon pays, dans le même but hostile, par les mêmes moyens pervers qui ont enchaîné le vôtre, par une Union meurtrière et dégradante pour l'Irlande, comme la nôtre nous est hostile et plus dégradante encore pour le Bas-Canada, colonie deux fois assujettie à deux métropoles, celle de l'Angleterre qui opprime par antipathie, celle du Haut-Canada qui nous exploite par cupidité, le [[comté de Saint-Maurice]] m'a choisi pour le représenter. Que ce comté s'assemble pour délibérer sur les intérêts généraux du pays, sur ses intérêts locaux, ou sur des questions liées à la cause de la justice, exercée par des vainqueurs généreux contre des rois oppresseurs; ou à celles des droits, des libertés, du bonheur de nos co-sujets dans aucune partie de l'empire, ce comté a droit, si je garde son mandat, de commander mon assistance et ma participation à ses discussions. À Montréal, je ne suis qu'un citoyen qui ne prend part aux délibérations que timidement, quand ses représentants dédaignent de le faire. L'on y a si souvent dit à mes concitoyens, tant de vive voix que par écrit, que j'étais un homme changé, devenu un [ parangon] de dévouement au gouvernement contre lequel j'avais lutté toute ma vie; que j'applaudissais à la détermination qu'avaient prise MM. [[Wikipedia:fr:Denis-Benjamin Viger|Viger]] et [[Wikipedia:fr:Denis-Benjamin Papineau|Papineau]] de donner leur appui à l'administration de lord [ Metcalfe], puisqu'ils restaient au ministère, plus longtemps que ne le souhaitaient ceux qui brûlaient d'envie et de désir de les remplacer; que, sans l'accueil bienveillant que 7000 de ces mêmes concitoyens m'ont fait dans leur récente assemblée, j'aurais cru me croire repoussé par la majorité d'entre eux, avec autant de sollicitude que je l'étais par leurs nouveaux directeurs. Avant mon retour et depuis mon retour, l'on a si haut proclamé à mon pays qu'il fallait bien se garder d'élire un homme dont les principes étaient aussi inconnus, flottants et versatiles que les miens, à moins qu'on ne lui fît faire sa profession de foi politique; et quand j'ai voulu la formuler, l'on a fait jouer tant d'intrigues pour m'empêcher de la publier que j'ai dû les regarder comme le soin charitable d'hommes qui me disaient : </blockquote>
[[Image:Charles-metcalfe.jpg|thumb|Charles T. Metcalfe, Baron Metcalfe, Governor General of the United Province of Canada from 1843 to 1845]]I am thrown in the political life against my inclination. After I frankly explained my dissatisfaction and my scorn for the political order forcibly imposed tu my country, with the same hostile aim, by the same perverse means which chains yours, by a fatal and degrading Union for Ireland, as ours is hostile to us and more degrading even for Lower Canada, colony twice subjugated to two metropolises, that of England which oppresses by antipathy, that of Upper Canada which exploits us by cupidity, the [[county of Saint-Maurice]] chose me to represent it. If this county meets to deliberate on the general interests on the country, its local interests, or questions related to the cause of the justice, exerted by generous vanquishers against oppressing kings; or to that of the rights, freedoms, and happiness of our Co-Subjects in any part of the Empire, this county has the right, if I keep the mandate it gave, to order my assistance and my participation in its discussions. In Montreal, I am but one citizen who timidly takes part to the deliberations, when its representatives disdain to do it. One so often said to my fellow-citizens, in voice as in writing, that I was a changed man, that I have become a [[paragon]] of devotion to the government against which I had fought all my life; that I applauded to the determination which Misters [[Viger]] and [[Papineau]] had taken to give their support to the administration of Lord [[Metcalfe]], since they remained in power, longer than those who burned of envy and desire to replace them; that, without the benevolent welcoming which 7,000 of these same fellow-citizens gave me in their recent meeting, I would have believed myself pushed back by the majority of them, with as much solicitude than I was it by their new leaders. Before my return and since my return, one so high proclaimed to my country that one should be careful not to elect a man whose principles were so unknown, floating and changeable that mine, unless one made him do his political profession of faith; and when I wanted to formulate it, one had so many intrigues done to prevent me from publishing it that I had to look at those as the charitable care of men who said to me:</blockquote>

