Québec's French-speaking community represents approximately 83% of Québec's total population when counting individuals who, during the population census conducted by Statistics Canada in 2001, claimed to speak mostly this language at home. Some 94% of Quebecers claim to be able to carry on a conversation in French.
Is a francophone someone whose first language or language of adoption is French. A francophone may therefore be a native speaker of French, English or any other language, but the language that this person speaks in the privacy of his or her home is French. The Quebec francophone population number ~5,918,000 when counting by home language. Of those, ~5,802,000 are native speakers of French. 116,000 are natives of other languages. It therefore follows from this that Quebec francophones constitute a pluriethnic community, as is the anglophone community in Canada.
Francophones may speak languages other than French, possibly their native language if not French or some other, often English.