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Independence of Québec |
Resource Centre for the English-Speaking World
Categories: Authors ~ Document types ~ Historical periods ~ Subjects
This site now contains 466 documents.
Newly added material
- July 2013 - New: History of Quebec For Dummies, by Éric Bédard, 2013
- July 2012 - Transcription: The English-speaking Community. An Integral Part of a Sovereign Québec, by Parti Québécois, 1993
- July 2012 - Transcription: RCMP eyed philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre during tense Quebec political upheaval, by Jim Bronskill, May 2012
- May 2012 - Transcription: Declaration in Defense of Quebec's Right to Self-Determination, by the Committee to Defend Quebec's Right to Self-Determination, 1980
- May 2012 - Transcription: Who Really Won When Quebec Voted "No"?, by Henry Milner, 1984
- April 2012 - Public domain: Resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Quebec on Irish Affairs, with the reply thereto, March 1904
- April 2012 - Public domain: Resolutions of the Legislative Assembly of Quebec against Measure of Coercion and for Irish Home Rule, April-May 1887
- April 2012 - Public domain: Resolutions of the Legislative Assembly of Quebec in favour of Irish Home Rule, April 1886
- April 2012 - Translation: A Québec that lets its wings open, by Nouveau Mouvement pour le Québec, April 2012
- Octobre 2011 - Translation: United for the independence of our country, by Pierre Graveline, October 2011
- April 2011 - UPDATE: Baraka Books reprints The Question of Separatism: Quebec and the Struggle over Sovereignty by Jane Jacobs
- March 2011 - Transcription: Quebec: A Good Neighbour in Transition, by René Lévesque, January 1977
- December 2010 - Transcription: An Impartial and Authentic Account of the Civil War in the Canadas, by Henry Samuel Chapman, 1838
- October 2010 - Transcription: Speech before the members of the Woodrow-Wilson Center and the Hudson Institute, by Gilles Duceppe, 2010
- October 2010 - Transcription: National Solidarity and Social Solidarity, by Michel Seymour, 1997
- March 2010 - Public domain: Petition of the London Working Men's Association in favour of the People of Canada, by William Lovett, 1837
- January 2010 - Public domain: Debates in the British House of Commons on the 1st Quebec Government Bill, 1774
- January 2010 - Public domain: Debates in the British Parliament on the 2nd Quebec Government Bill, 1790-91
- January 2010 - Translation: Prospectus for a periodical paper, by Pierre-Stanislas Bédard, Québec, 1806
- October 2009 - Translation: The 15 resolutions adopted during the 1967 National assizes of the Estates General of French Canada, by the delegates of the French-Canadian nation, November 1967
- September 2009 - Translation: Brief in Support of the Petition of the Inhabitants of Lower Canada, by Pierre-Stanislas Bédard, Québec, 1814
- September 2009 - Translation: Political Programme of the Rassemblement pour l'indépendance nationale, October 1962.
- September 2009 - Transcription: Speech on the Second Reading of the Lower Canada Government Bill, by Daniel O'Connell, July 4, 1839.
- September 2009 - Transcription: Speech on a Motion for a Select Committee to Inquire the Means of Remedying the Evils which Exist in the Form of the Governments Now Existing in Upper and Lower Canada, by John Arthur Roebuck, April 15, 1834.
- August 2009 - Translation: Epistle to General Haldimand, by Pierre du Calvet, 1784.
- June 2009 - Translation: St. John the Baptist's Day Banquet, by Ludger Duvernay, June 26, 1834.
- June 2009 - Translation: The Case of Peter du Calvet, by Pierre du Calvet, 1784
- February 2009 - Transcription: A Reminiscence of '49. Who burnt the Parliament Buildings? by Alfred Perry, 1887
- October 2008 - Transcription: Petition of the Counties in the Districts of Montreal and Three Rivers, January, 1828
- October 2008 - Transcription: Petition of the Counties in the District of Quebec and of the County of Warwick, District of Montreal, December, 1827
- September 2008 - Translation: Diary of a Fils de la liberté, Amédée Papineau, 1838-1855
- September 2008 - Transcription: Address of the Constitutional Association of the City of Montreal to the Inhabitants of the Sister Colonies, Montreal Constitutional Association, December 13, 1837
- September 2008 - Transcription: Declaration of the Causes which led to the formation of the Constitutional Association of Quebec, and of the Objects for which it has been formed, December 12, 1834
- September 2008 - Transcription: Petition of the Inhabitants of the Townships of Lower Canada in favour of Uniting the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada under one Legislature, 1823
- September 2008 - Translation: For Political and Oil Independence, by Bernard Landry, June 13, 2008
- August 2008 - Transcription: Address of the Constitutional Association of Montreal to the Inhabitants of British America, by William Robertson and J. Guthrie Scott, January 1836
- June 2008 - Transcription: Dan Aykroyd pitches passion for Quebec, by the Canadian Press, June 18, 1994
- June 2008 - Translation: Speech of Louis-Joseph Papineau for a public meeting at the Bonsecours market, by Louis-Joseph Papineau, 1848
- May 2008 - Transcription: For an Independent Quebec, by René Lévesque, July 1976
- May 2008 - Transcription: The Case for a Sovereign Quebec, by Jacques Parizeau, Summer 1995
- April 2008 - Translation: Letter to Robert John Wilmot, by Louis-Joseph Papineau, December 16, 1822
- April 2008 - Public domain: French Canadianism, by The New York Times, 1860
- April 2008 - Public domain: French Canadian Ingratitude and Disloyalty, editorial by The Times, 1860
- April 2008 - Transcripted translation: October, by Gaston Miron, October 1961
- March 2008 - Transcription: The Man from Quebec with a Message for Scotland, account of René Lévesque's visit to Scotland by Ronald Faux, 1975
- March 2008 - Public domain: Radical Party and Canada: Lord Durham and the Canadians, by John Stuart Mill, 1838
- March 2008 - Public domain: Answer to A Warning to Belfast, by Samuel Clarke, October 8, 1888
- March 2008 - Public domain: A Warning to Belfast, by Goldwin Smith, September 25, 1888
- March 2008 - Translation: Letter from Alex Salmond to the Parti Québécois, by Scottish National Party leader Alex Salmond, April 7, 2000
- March 2008 - Transcripted and translated excerpt: Speech Given in Verchères in the Context of the 2001 Leadership Campaign of the Parti Québécois, by Bernard Landry, comparing Quebec to Ireland and Scotland, January 21, 2001
- March 2008 - Translated excerpt: Opening Speech of the 14th National Congress of the Parti Québécois, by Lucien Bouchard, May 5, 2000
- March 2008 - Translation: Kosovo and Us, by Joseph Facal, February 20, 2008
- February 2008 - Translation: In Praise of Small Countries, account of René Lévesque's travel to Scotland and view on small nations by Pierre Godin, 1997
- February 2008 - Public domain: An Excursion to Canada, by Henry David Thoreau, 1853
- February 2008 - Public domain: Letter to George Bancroft, Esquire, by Louis-Joseph Papineau, December 18, 1837
- February 2008 - Public domain: Speech on the Hustings, at the Opening of the Election for the West Ward of the City of Montreal, by Louis-Joseph Papineau, 1827
- January 2008 - Public domain: Letter from Papineau and Neilson to the Under Secretary of State on the Proposed Union, by L. J. Papineau and J. Neilson, 1823
- December 2007 - Public domain: 1837 and my connection with it, by Thomas Storrow Brown, New Dominion Monthly, April 1869
- December 2007 - Translation: Bouchard-Taylor Commission - The linguistic analysis is misleading, by Charles Castonguay, Dec. 4, 2007
- September 2007 - Translation: 50th anniversary of On the Road - Kerouac wanted to write in French, by Gabriel Anctil, Sept. 2007
- September 2007 - Translation: Individual Bilingualism and Collective Bilingualism, by André D'Allemagne, 1980.
- August 2007 - Translated excerpt: Why I Am a Separatist, by Marcel Chaput, 1962
- August 2007 - Public domain: The Hon. Louis-Joseph Papineau's Address to the Electors of the City of Montreal, by Louis-Joseph Papineau, 1851
- August 2007 - Public domain: Letter addressed to the Speakers of the Several Assemblies in the British North American Colonies by Louis-Joseph Papineau, 1836
- August 2007 - Translation: The Insurgent Prince, by Andrée Ferretti, March 2007
- August 2007 - Translated excerpt: The Cultural Fatigue of French Canada, by Hubert Aquin, 1962
- July 2007 - Translation: A joy to read: Lionel Groulx, by Andrée Ferretti, June 1994
- July 2007 - Translation: Grand Meeting of the Confederation of the Six Counties in Saint-Charles, in La Minerve, Nov. 1837
- July 2007 - Public domain: The Address of the London Working Men's Association to the People of Canada, by a committee of the London Working Men's Association, 1837
- July 2007 - Public domain: Brief Sketch of the Life and Times of the Hon. Louis Joseph Papineau, by Thomas Storrow Brown, New Dominion Monthly, January 1872
- July 2007 - Translation: From London to Ottawa, State terrorism in the history of Quebec, by Andrée Ferretti, October 2000
- July 2007 - Public domain: A Biographical Sketch of the Hon. Louis Joseph Papineau, by Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan, Saratoga Springs, 1838
- June 2007 - Translation: Second Manifesto, by Louis-Joseph Papineau, May 15, 1848.
- June 2007 - Translation: System of Government for Canada, an excerpt of Appel à la justice de l'État, by Pierre du Calvet, June-July 1784
- June 2007 - Translation: The FLQ: Our Position, by André D'Allemagne, June 1963
- June 2007 - Translation: The Amnesty, by Louis Riel, January 1874
- June 2007 - Translation: On the Opinion of the Supreme Court regarding the federal government's Reference on Secession, by Lucien Bouchard, August 1998
- May 2007 - Public domain: Territorial integrity of Quebec in the event of the attainment of sovereignty, by Alain Pellet, international law expert, May 1992
- May 2007 - Translation: Observation on the current state of Canada and the political dispositions of its inhabitants, by Henry-Antoine Mézière, June 12, 1793
- May 2007 - Excerpt of Quebec Now, by Miriam Chapin, 1955
- May 2007 - Public domain: The principles and means of Québec's language policy, by Marc Chevrier, February 1997
- May 2007 - Translation: Letter to the Canadian Jewish Congress, by Yves Michaud, February 2001
- May 2007 - Public domain: A legal opinion on international law, language and the future of French-speaking Canada, a memorandum by Ramsey Clark, 1993
- May 2007 - Public domain: Ethical Reflections on Bill 101, an opinion by Gregory Baum, 1993
- March 2007 - Public domain: Meeting of the Irish and British Reformers of Quebec, an article from the Montreal Vindicator, May 1837
- March 2007 - Public domain: Meeting of the loyal citizens of Montreal at Place d'Armes, two articles from the Montreal Gazette, Oct. 1837
- March 2007 - Translation: The Free French to their Canadien Brothers, by Edmond-Charles Genêt, Ambassador of the first French Republic in the United States, 1794
- March 2007 - Public domain: Letter to the Inhabitants of the Province of Quebec, by the first Continental Congress, Philadelphia, Oct. 1774
- February 2007 - Translated excerpt: The Parti Québécois: For or Against Independence?, by Andrée Ferretti, 1996
- February 2007 - Translation: To put an end to ethnic voting, by Salomon Cohen, December 2000
- February 2007 - Translation: The Union and Nationality, an editorial published in L'Avenir in 1848
- February 2007 - Excerpt of The Question of Separatism: Quebec and the Struggle over Sovereignty by Jane Jacobs, 1980
- February 2007 - Translation: What is the real force of attraction of French in Quebec?, by Charles Castonguay, Dec. 2003
- February 2007 - Translation: Quebec, Israel and the Jewish community, a speech by Premier of Quebec Bernard Landry, May 2001
- February 2007 - Translation: Meeting with English-speaking sovereignists. Québec, my country, by Gabrielle Duchaine-Baillargeon, Jan. 2007
- February 2007 - Translation: The Address of the Fils de la liberté of Montreal to the young people of the colonies of North America, Oct. 1837
- January 2007 - Translation: The Irish of Quebec: at the crossroads of two cultures by Taïeb Moalla, Montréal, 2006
- December 2006 - Translation: The real strength of French in Quebec by Charles Castonguay, Montréal, Dec. 2005
- November 2006 - Translation: History of the Insurrection in Canada in refutation of the report of Lord Durham by Louis-Joseph Papineau, Paris, May 1839
- June 2006 - Public domain: The notes taken by Alexis de Tocqueville while visiting Lower Canada, Aug.-Sept. 1831
- June 2006 - Translation: The Political Testament of Louis-Joseph Papineau, Montréal, Dec. 1867
- See the full list of French to English translations done for this site.
The meta-project La République libre du Québec is proud to host the following projects:
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La Bibliothèque indépendantiste La République des lettres de l'indépendance des peuples |
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Independence of Québec Resource Centre for the English-Speaking World |
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Scotland-Quebec Alliance Une nouvelle alliance / A New Alliance |