Dan Aykroyd pitches passion for Quebec

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Dan Aykroyd pitches passion for Quebec
June 18, 1994

Transcribed by Benoît Rheault from:

Edmonton Journal

Carleton University's favorite Conehead, Ghostbuster and Blues Brother returned to his alma mater on Friday and made a passionate pitch for national unity.

Dan Aykroyd was awarded an honorary Doctor of Literature degree at Carleton's graduation ceremonies - finally receiving a degree more than 20 years after attending the school.

Citing his mother's French-Canadian heritage, the comic actor, writer and director made a plea for tolerance for all Canadians.

"I have a great love for the French-Canadian people. It's an issue that is very divisive and burning on people's minds and I just want to say formally that I love Quebeckers."

Aykroyd told graduates he has heard a "lot of rancor and tremendous hostility" directed at Quebec and its people, especially in Western Canada. But it's also an issue in the Eastern Ontario town where he maintains a home.

"That's exactly the kind of discrimination, racism and supremacism that we've got to avoid in the world if we're going to change things."

Aykroyd called for "a sane and just solution - whatever that is" in the event Quebec opts for separation.

"If the majority of Quebeckers vote to go, what are we going to do? Send in the army? Of course not.

"We're going to help them with their ship of state. It's a democratic process. Let them decide for themselves."

But unless and until Quebeckers vote to separate, Canadians should encourage them to "continue in nationhood with Canada, albeit with the proper recognition that their rich and highly contributive culture deserves."

After leaving university, he joined the Second City comedy group in both Chicago and Toronto.

He teamed up with fellow Canadian producer Lorne Michaels on the popular Saturday Night Live television show, where the high-foreheaded Coneheads and The Blues Brothers were born.

He and SNL's John Belushi starred in The Blues Brothers, 1941 and Neighbors. Aykroyd's other movie credits include Trading Places, the two Ghostbuster films, Coneheads and Dragnet.