Common declaration of sovereignist and federalist intellectuals from Canada and Québec

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Common declaration of sovereignist and federalist intellectuals from Canada and Québec

Since the October 30, 1995 referendum, dialogue between Quebec and the rest of Canada has become more strained. Ignorant and malicious attacks against Quebec have multiplied.

We do not believe that a hard-line position against Quebec constitutes a viable long-term solution to our problems. There are different versions of what constitutes Canada and we need to respect the principles of diversity that underlie them.

These principles should include the following:

  1. In different ways, there are aboriginal nations, a Quebec nation, and a Canadian nation. These nations are not mutually exclusive; rather, they overlap with one another. We need to find new ways of living together as equal nations, recognizing each other and engaging in discussion with one another.
  2. The fundamental rights of all aboriginal peoples, Quebecers, and Canadians must be secured.
  3. The Quebec government must protect the acquired rights of English Quebecers and all other provincial governments must protect the acquired rights of French Canadians.
  4. Aboriginal rights and aboriginal self-government are fundamental questions for all of Canada and not just for Quebec. Therefore,the concerns of aboriginal people should be addressed on their own merits, both in Quebec and in Canada outside Quebec, motivated by a shared commitment to meet just First Nations demands.
  5. We recognize the existence of a Quebec nation which includes Quebecers of all origins and mother tongues. The Quebec nation has the right to democratically determine its own future.
  6. The question of Quebec sovereignty is principally political and not juridical in character. It is for the people of Quebec, not the Supreme Court of Canada, to make any ultimate decision in this regard.
  7. Were Quebec to vote to become sovereign, every effort should be made to avoid violent confrontation.
  8. Negotiations between Quebec and Canada outside Quebec should take place in a spirit of reasonableness and good will. Aboriginal peoples must be a party to any such negotiations.
  9. As an alternative to the inevitably fractious attempt to redraw the current boundaries of Quebec during these negotiations, ways should be sought for sharing sovereignty with aboriginal nations, whether they currently find themselves in Quebec, in Canada outside of Quebec, or overlapping these two.
  10. Some of us believe that asymmetrical federalism can best express the multiple national identities that make up Canada; others believe in two sovereign states with economic and/or political relations between them.


  1. Gregory Albo, Political Science, York U
  2. Jean-Raoul Austin de Drouillard, French Department, Simon Fraser U
  3. Louis Balthazar, Science politique, U Laval
  4. Barry Bartmann, Institute of Island Studies, PEI
  5. Gregory Baum, Religious Studies, McGill U
  6. René Boudreault, Négociateur en affaires autochtones
  7. Gilles Bourque, Sociologie, UQAM
  8. Barbara Cameron, Political Science, Atkinson College, York U
  9. Réjean Canac-Marquis, Simon Fraser U
  10. Linda Cardinal, Science politique, U d'Ottawa
  11. Joseph Carens, Political Science, U of Toronto
  12. Don Carmichael, Political Science, U of Alberta
  13. Robert Chodos, Free-lance writer and translator
  14. Bernard Cleary, Négociateur autochtone, Groupe Cleary
  15. John F. Conway, Sociology, U of Regina
  16. Claude Couture, Faculté St-Jean, U de l'Alberta
  17. Jocelyne Couture, Philosophie, UQAM
  18. Frank Cunningham, Philosophy, U of Toronto
  19. Gurston Dacks, U of Alberta
  20. Claude Denis, Faculté St-Jean, U de l'Alberta
  21. Micheline De Sève, Science politique, UQAM
  22. Marina Devine, Western NWT Aboriginal Summit
  23. Laurent Dobuzinskis, Political Science, Simon Fraser U
  24. Daniel Drache, Director, Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies, York U
  25. Paul Dubé, Langues modernes et études comparees, U de l'Alberta
  26. Jules Duchastel, Sociologie, UQAM
  27. Christian Dufour, ENAP
  28. Francis Dupuis-Déry, Romancier et essayiste
  29. Marta Dvorak, Centre d'Études Canadiennes, U de Rennes 2, France
  30. Peter Findlay, Carleton U
  31. Peter Fitting, French U of Toronto
  32. Alain G. Gagnon, Science politique, McGill U
  33. Benoît Gauthier, Président, Réseau Circum
  34. Dan Goldstick, Philosophy, U of Toronto
  35. Peter Graefe, Science Politique, U de Montréal
  36. Allan Greer, History, University of Toronto
  37. Marjorie Griffin Cohen, Political Science, SFU
  38. Randall Hansen, Researcher, Oxford U
  39. Thomas Hueglin, U of Waterloo
  40. Marc Hufty, Ass. Prof., Graduate Institute of Development Studies, Switzerland
  41. André Joyal, Économie, UQTR
  42. Michael Keating, Political Science, U of Western Ontario
  43. Martin Klein, History, University of Toronto
  44. Seth Klein, Director (BC) CCPA
  45. Micheline Labelle, Sociologie, CRIEC, UQAM
  46. Guy Lachapelle, Science politique, Concordia U
  47. Guy Laforest, Science politique, U Laval
  48. Paul Leduc-Brown, Centre Canadien de politiques alternatives
  49. Diane Lamoureux, Science politique, U Laval
  50. Linda Leith, Novelist
  51. Andrée Levesque, Histoire, McGill U
  52. Michel Lord, Études françaises, U of Toronto
  53. Rowland Lorimer, Master of Publishing Program, SFU
  54. Liane Marie, Études canadiennes-françaises, U of Toronto
  55. Silvana Mastromonaco, French, University of Toronto
  56. Louis McComber, Anthropologue et Journaliste, Yellowknife
  57. Kenneth McRoberts, Political Science, York U
  58. Marco Micone, enseignant et auteur
  59. Henry Milner, GRIG, U Laval
  60. Dawn Moffat, Political science, student, Grande Prairie Regional College, AB
  61. Joe Murray, Philosophy, PhD Student, McMaster U
  62. Jean-François Nadeau, Historien et auteur
  63. Kai Nielsen, Philosophy, Concordia
  64. Pierre Paquette, Secrétaire général, CSN
  65. Howard Pawley, Political Science, Windsor U
  66. Anthony Perl, Political Science, U of Calgary
  67. Jocelyne Praud, Political Science, U of Regina
  68. Judy Rebick, Journalist, Broadcaster
  69. Philip Resnick, Political Science, UBC
  70. Janet Ritch, Victoria College, University of Toronto
  71. François Rocher, Political Science, Carleton U
  72. Christian Rouillard, Ph D Student, Political science, Carleton U
  73. Paul Russell, Philosophy, UBC
  74. Denis St-Martin, Harvard Center for European Studies, Harvard U
  75. Michel Sarra-Bournet, Historien, auteur
  76. Jeannelle Savona, U of Toronto
  77. Allen Seager, History, SFU
  78. Michel Seymour, Philosophie, U de Montréal
  79. Andy Shadrack, Political Science, Selkirk College, BC
  80. Monique Simard, Ex-deputée du Parti Québécois, Laprairie
  81. Donald Smith, Études françaises, Carleton U
  82. Henry Srebrnik, Political Studies, PEI
  83. Garth Stevenson, Politics, Brock U
  84. Dermod Travis, Public Policy Analyst
  85. Mireille Tremblay, Secrétaire générale, fédération québécoise des CRDPI
  86. Robert Ware, Philosophy, University of Calgary
  87. Mel Watkins, Economy, U of Toronto
  88. Don Wells, Political Science, McMaster U
  89. Reg Whitaker, Political Science, York
  90. Shodja Ziaian, Peace Strategist, Earth Citizen

If you want to add your name to this list, please send your name and affiliations to:

Michel Seymour
Département de philosophie, Université de Montréal
CP 6128, Succursale centre-ville, Montréal, QC, H3C 3J7
télécopie: 1 514 343 7899
téléphone: 1 514 343-5933

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