Category:19th century
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Pages in category "19th century"
The following 89 pages are in this category, out of 89 total.
- A Biographical Sketch of the Hon. Louis Joseph Papineau, Speaker of the House of Assembly of Lower Canada
- A Reminiscence of '49. Who burnt the Parliament Buildings?
- A Warning to Belfast
- A Yankee in Canada
- Act to provide that the English Language shall be the Official Language of the Province of Manitoba
- Address of the Confederation of the Six Counties to the People of Canada
- Address of the Constitutional Association of Montreal to the Inhabitants of British America
- Address of the Constitutional Association of the City of Montreal to the Inhabitants of the Sister Colonies
- Address of the Fils de la liberté of Montreal to the young people of the colonies of North America
- Address of the Hon. L.J. Papineau to the electors of the West Ward of Montreal
- Address of the Sons of Liberty of Montreal to the Young Men of the North American Colonies
- Address to the people of Canada
- An Act for granting certain Powers to The British American Land Company
- An Act to declare persons of the Jewish Religion entitled to all of the rights and privileges of the other subjects of His Majesty in this Province
- An Act to regulate the Trade of the Provinces of Lower and Upper-Canada, and for other purposes relating to the said Provinces
- An Act to reunite the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, and for the Government of Canada
- An Impartial and Authentic Account of the Civil War in the Canadas
- Annexation Manifesto
- Annual Report of the General Committee of the Montreal Constitutional Association
- Answer to A Warning to Belfast
- Daniel O'Connell's Speech in the British House of Commons on July 4th, 1839
- Daniel O'Connell's Speech in the British House of Commons on March 6th, 1837
- Declaration of Independence of Lower Canada
- Declaration of the Causes which led to the formation of the Constitutional Association of Quebec, and of the Objects for which it has been formed
- Diary of a Fils de la liberté
- Dissentient opinion of Lord Brougham on John Russell's Ten Resolutions
- John Arthur Roebuck's Speech in the British House of Commons on April 15th, 1834
- John Arthur Roebuck's Speech in the British House of Commons on January 22nd, 1838
- John Arthur Roebuck's Speech in the British House of Commons on March 6, 1837
- John Arthur Roebuck's Speech in the British House of Commons on March 9th, 1835
- John Russell's Speech in the British House of Commons on January 16, 1838
- John Russell's Speech in the British House of Commons on March 6th, 1837
- Laurier-Greenway Compromise of 1896
- Letter addressed to the Speakers of the Several Assemblies in the British North American Colonies
- Letter from L. J. Papineau and J. Neilson, Esqs., Addressed to His Majesty's Under Secretary of State on the Subject of the Proposed Union of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada
- Letter from Louis-Joseph Papineau to George Bancroft - December 18, 1837
- Letter from Louis-Joseph Papineau to Robert John Wilmot - December 16, 1822
- London Resolutions of 1866
- Petition of the Counties in the District of Quebec and of the County of Warwick, District of Montreal
- Petition of the Counties in the Districts of Montreal and Three Rivers
- Petition of the Inhabitants of the Townships of Lower Canada in favour of Uniting the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada under one Legislature
- Petition of the London Working Men's Association in favour of the People of Canada
- Political Testament of Louis-Joseph Papineau
- Proclamation of Independence, 1803
- Prospectus for a periodical paper
- Radical Party and Canada: Lord Durham and the Canadians
- Reply of the Central and Permanent Committee of the County of Montreal to the Address of the London Working Men's Association
- Report from the Select Committee on the Civil Government of Canada
- Report of the Quebec Constitutional Association
- Report on the Affairs of British North America
- Resolutions intended to be proposed by Lord John Russell, in a committee of the whole house, relative to the affairs of Canada
- Resolutions of the Deschambault Meeting
- Resolutions of the Meeting of the Electors of the City and Suburbs of Quebec held at Malhiot's Hotel, 13th December 1827
- Resolutions of the Quebec Meeting
- Resolutions of the Saint-François-du-Lac Meeting on seigniorial tenure
- Resolutions of the Saint-Laurent Meeting
- Resolutions of the Saint-Ours Meeting
- Resolutions of the Sainte-Croix Meeting
- Resolutions of the St-Polycarpe Meeting
- Second Manifesto
- Speech of Louis J. Papineau, Esqr. on the Hustings, at the Opening of the Election for the West Ward of the City of Montreal, on the 11th of August, 1827
- Speech of Louis-Joseph Papineau for a public meeting at the Bonsecours market
- St. John the Baptist's Day Banquet in Montreal on June 24, 1834
- The Address of L. J. Papineau to the Electors of St. Maurice and Huntingdon
- The Address of the London Working Men's Association to the People of Canada
- The Amnesty
- The Canadians of Old
- The Declaration of the Reformers of the City of Toronto to their Fellow-Reformers in Upper Canada
- The Hon. Louis-Joseph Papineau's Address to the Electors of the City of Montreal
- The Ninety-Two Resolutions of the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada
- The Union and Nationality
- The Vindicator
- To the Honorable the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses, the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in Parliament Assembled